BB Natural Oil is the newest and most advanced process, first introduced to the market: Vacuum Cold Press Process. Our coconut oil is composed of MCT Oil more than 70%, compared to other methods that obtain only 65%.
MCT oil contains medium chain fatty acid C8-C12 which is a small molecule (unlike other oils contains long chain fatty acid). It can be delivered directly to the liver, absorbed fast, and easy to digest. It will support to burn fat faster and can be converted to energy immediately.
- Contain rich lauric acid;
- High content of MCFA;
- Contain only 4-5% of unsaturated oil (4% Oleic, 1% Linoleic) which is the small amounts rather than in the excess;
- Low peroxide value plus high oxidation stability. So, it is highly resistant to oxidation;
- Vacuum, cold process, and chemical free;
- Unrefined, unbleached and not processed.
- When taken,it increases metabolism quickly, helps to reduce weight, and blood sugar.
- Use as oil pulling and help to disinfect in a mouth and dissolve plaque.
- Adsorbed into skin faster, good for skin and hair.
Benefits of Medium Chain Fatty Acids As with many things, consuming a robust variety of healthy fats in the diet is generally beneficial. Yet there are some notable benefits to MCFAs that are worth mentioning. Fats made up of medium chain fatty acids are more easily digested than their larger counterparts. They are more soluble in water and are almost completely digested by the time they leave the stomach. In fact, unlike other fats, triglycerides made up of MCFAs do not even require pancreatic enzymes or bile to be broken down. When they reach the small intestine they are thus immediately absorbed into the portal vein and sent to the liver, where they are used preferentially as a source of fuel. Thus they provide the body with quick and easy energy, while requiring little effort from digestive and hormonal systems. This characteristic yields many therapeutic effects in the body. The MCFAs in coconut oil have been shown to:
Increase Metabolism
The energy pathway of MCFAs is so efficient that several studies have been done exploring their use for enhancing endurance and athletic performance. Although effects have been mild compared with drugs, researchers have discovered that a single meal containing MCFAs increases metabolism for up to 24 hours.
Enhance Digestion
Because coconut oil is so gentle on digestive and enzymatic systems, it also tends to enhance the absorption of other nutrients including minerals like magnesium and calcium, some B vitamins, fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and amino acids. Studies have demonstrated a marked improvement in vitamin B deficiencies and calcium absorption when coconut oil is added into the diet. This is not because the oil necessarily contains these nutrients, but rather that it bolsters the amounts that are being assimilated from existing dietary sources.
Kick-Start the Thyroid Gland
Experts estimate that up to 40% of the population struggles with low thyroid function. Because the thyroid manages metabolism, a sub optimally functioning thyroid causes wide ranging symptoms including weight gain, impaired immune function, generalized fatigue, low sex drive, slow healing, cold intolerance etc. Because coconut oil can boost metabolism, it has a stimulatory effect on the thyroid. In certain cases, the thyroid then recovers the potential to return to normal if it receives the proper nutrition.
Heal and Repair Skin
Many people have reported benefits from applying coconut oil to the skin. Applied topically MCFAs are absorbed into cells and converted into energy, stimulating repair of blemishes and irritation. The best way to understand these effects is to try it! Make a homemade whipped coconut oil lotion- you will likely be amazed by the effects!
Act as an Antimicrobial
Lauric acid is one of the specific MCFAs in coconut oil. Making up almost 57% of the oil, it is a powerful substance that is unique for its strong antimicrobial effect. When lauric acid is absorbed into the body it is broken into free fatty acids and monoglycerides. The monoglycerides have the ability to permeate certain the lipid-encased pathogens, destabilizing their membranes and causing them to disintegrate and die off. Coconut oil has been found in a number of studies to be an effective adjunct treatment for infections caused by specific bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. It does not destroy all microorganisms as do broad spectrum antibiotics- but is rather highly selective so that healthy natural flora can continue to flourish in its presence.
To maximize the nutrient profile of your coconut oil, be sure to select one that is organic, extra virgin and cold pressed, as many of the synergistic nutrients are denatured by heat and other harsh processing methods.